OS X nabízí v tiskovém dialogu i výstup do PDF a programy, jako je iCalamus zde mohou vkládat i vlastní funkce. Výstup PDF je zpravidla již od OS X připraven a mnoho lidí si myslí, že jej nelze měnit.
[Tato čàst ještě nebyla přeložena.]
Under certain aspects, creating a PDF using the Print
dialog and its function Save as PDF
can have disadvantages:
Sometimes an optimum print quality and the resulting large file size
are not desired or required. If you want to send a PDF file with
email, a smaller file size is often much more important. This can be
done by using OS X standards:
Compressand a file.
Compress.workflowinto the folder
Macintosh HD/Library/PDF Services. This is best done by chosing
Go Toin the Finder menu, while you keep the [Option] key pressed. Then the Library folder will be shown there and can be easily opened.
Compressin the popup menu when you click the [PDF] button.
Compressed PDF Outputon your Desktop.
Save as PDF. But it is not recommended to use this for high-quality print jobs.