Menu vyvolávané ozubeným kolečkem nabízí další možnosti:
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If you have marked a text area in the currently selected text frame, its (first) text style parameters can be used for creating a new text style which will be added with these parameters to the text style list.
In the currently selected text frame, you can add all found (free) text styles as new list text styles to the text style list. At the same time, the found text styles will be applied as list text styles in the relevant text positions. So these text styles are no longer free, but are under your control in the Text style inspector.
Je-li v seznamu vybrán nějaký styl, lze jej touto funkcí duplikovat a vložit do seznamu jeho kopii.
Obsahuje-li seznam více než jeden styl, lze jej setřídit podle názvů, nebo velikosti písma.
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Use this function to load a previously saved text style list into your current document. The text style entries of the loaded list will be appended to the current list of the document.
[Tato čàst ještě nebyla přeložena.]
You can save the text style list of the current document. This way you can share style lists in your documents or with other iCalamus users. Choose a good place to save and manage your text style lists. The file extension is .ictsl.