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  iCalamus 2 > Reference > Menu > Menu Úpravy Rejstřík

Start Dictation

OS X offers a dictation feature which can be used in iCalamus as well. Whereever you can type in text, you can also dictate text.

When you e.g. have selected a text frame and entered text edit mode, you can start dictation by using this menu item or the keyboard shortcut.

You will then see a tiny microphone symbol with a peak meter which indicates whether your voice is loud enough.

After you're done dictating, click the [Done] button. Your spoken words will be computed into readable text.

The recognized text will be automatically inserted at the text edit cursor position. In this example, I have dictated desktop publishing.

You can set up the dictation parameters in (Apple) > System Preferences > System > Dictation & Speech > Dictation.

[Tato čàst ještě nebyla přeložena.]
This function is supplied by OS X. Přesnější popis tohoto systémového dialogu nebo funkce naleznete ve Finderu pod Mac Help.

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Poslední aktualizace 12. dubna 2018

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