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If you are no longer happy with the current document, you can revert to the last version saved on hard drive. When you choose this menu item, it offers a Versions submenu with at least the menu item Procházet všechny verze. This Versions submenu is provided and handled by OS X.

When you select a dated version of your document listed in the Versions submenu, it will immediately replace the current version of your document.

When you select Procházet všechny verzes, the Desktop of your Mac changes into kind of a Time Machine view, only showing the current document on the left and a pile of previous document versions on the right. Select the desired version of the document and click the [Obnovit] button. If you want to keep the current version, quit the Versions browser mode by clicking on the [Hotovo] button.

Důležité: When you start the Versions Browser for the current document, all other windows of iCalamus will be closed by OS X. When you quit the Versions Browser, the usually opened Toolbox and Inspectors windows will not re-appear, because OS X does not restore them. Until this issue has been fixed, we please you to then re-open the required Toolbox and Inspectors windows from the View menu.

Tip: iCalamus podporuje téměř dokonalé UNDO (vracení pracovních kroků). Někdy můžete rychleji a přesněji vrátit předchozí stav dokumentu touto funkcí.

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Poslední aktualizace 12. dubna 2018

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