Using Division by Nine, you will firstly have to divide your
document page into nine columns and nine rows. In iCalamus, this is
best done using the Document Grid. In the View menu
, open the
dialog Edit Document Grid
, and set the parameters as shown in
the following image:
You will then see your document pages divided by nine as expected.
If you don't see the grid, you will have to switch it visible in the
View menu
. Therefore you have to select the menu item
Show Document Grid
once, and click it until it shows a check
mark. Then the grid will be visible. Switch the grid to be magnetic
(Snap to Document Grid
), if you have not already done so.
Please choose the Text tool
now, and create a frame in the
right document page. It should start in the second column and the
second row, and should be of a size which leaves two empty columns on
the right, and two rows below, as shown in the next snapshot:
Now add a second text frame on the left document page, following the same rule. Be careful to keep two empty columns outside the left text frame (this time they are to the left of the frame).
When your document looks like the one shown here, you have come a long way with your book already – honestly.
Now you may try the Division By Twelve as an alternative, and see what is the difference between Division by Nine and Division by Twelve. For our example, you have to set up the Document Grid as shown below:
You got it! – The Division by Twelve isn't as pleasing, but offers a larger type area. You can e.g. put more text in the same number of pages using the Division By Twelve. But there are more adjusting screws which we will talk about later.