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Chances are that you want to create a PDF from your iCalamus document. In PDFs, you can have clickable links. Use this menu function to create or assign a link to a text in a text frame.

When you select any text like the word iCalamus and select this function, a tiny Link sheet is shown where you can enter the desired URL.

When you select a text which is in fact a URL already, it will be auto-detected and automatically entered into the Link sheet. You don't have to add http:// to the link; it will be automatically added.

The linked text in the text frame will be reformatted in a special link text style (usually in blue color and underlined). When you re-select this linked text, the menu entry changes from Add Link to Edit Link. You can then change or even remove the link from the text. The text itself will not be deleted when you remove a link from it.

Hint: The menu entry changes its text from Add Link to Edit Link depending on the context.

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Laatst gewijzigd op 12 april 2018

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