Frame actions
[Ten rozdział nie został jeszcze przetłumaczony.]
When working with frames in a document, there are some default
combinations available which are described here.
- Mouse click + [Ctrl]
Use mouse click + [Ctrl] everywhere in a document window or in
an inspector windows in order to open a context menu which lists all
supported functions for the clicked area.
Pobyt: Using a multi button mouse, use a right click instead.
- Move frame + [Option]
If you move a frame with the mouse and press [Option], the
frame will not be moved but copied.
Pobyt: If you copy a text frame from a text pipeline this way,
the new frame will contain the whole text as if the copied frame was
the text pipeline start frame.
- Move frame + [Shift]
If you move a frame with the mouse and press [Shift], the frame
will be moved in default angles only (e.g. 0, 45, 90 degrees).
- Move grab point + [Option]
If you press [Option] while moving a frame grab point, the
corresponding frame grab point on the other side of the frame will be
moved too, but in the opposite direction. When movings overlap the
frame borders, the frame will be mirrored also. This effect can be
combined with the [Shift] key, too (see below).
- Move grab point + [Shift]
When you press [Shift], frames can only be resized
proportionally. This effect can be combined with the [Option] key, too
(see above).
[Wykaz ten gwarantuje się niekompletna.]
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Ostatnie zmiany 13. czerwiec 2015