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  iCalamus > Reference > Context functions > Text edit mode context menu Indeks

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[Ten rozdział nie został jeszcze przetłumaczony.]

1/1 Obszar
A square space is defined to be as wide as the currently used font height.
1/2 Obszar
This space is half as wide as a square.
1/4 Obszar
This space is a quarter as wide as a square.
1/6 Obszar
This space is a sixth of the width of a square.
Zmienny odstęp
[Nie było tekst ujawniony dla tego ustępu.]

Niełamliwy odstep
This space has a fixed width and is not taken into account for text breaks. Therefore it is recommended for use where you want to protect combined phrases against text breaks.
Końcówkę: Use [Alt][Space] to insert a nonbreakable space with the keyboard.
Odstęp wielkości cyfry
In monospaced fonts (like 'Courier New' or 'Monotype Sorts'), this space is as wide as one digit.
Odstęp wielkości znaku interpunkcyjnego
In monospaced fonts (like 'Courier New' or 'Monotype Sorts'), this space is as wide as the narrow punctuation.
Twarda spacja
Some languages (e.g. English or Czech) use words which are represented only by a single character. If these words should build an aesthetical group with the following word, rather than being left alone at the end of a text line, we recommend to use this so-called 'glue space'. You might also use one of the fixed width spaces (see above), but this will be seen in justified text.
The fixed spaces have a fixed width and will not be wrapped. The glue space has a variable width.

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Ostatnie zmiany 13. czerwiec 2015

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