Content inspector for text frames
[Ten rozdział nie został jeszcze przetłumaczony.]

- Kolumny
When a text frame is selected, you can define in the Content
inspector, how many text columns the text frame should use. The
default has one text column and its width is identical to the frame
Using two or more text columns, you can define the column width as
automatic or fixed, and define the distance between text columns. So
you can easily create multi-column layouts without having to align
multiple text frames. You can format all in a single text frame.
- Ofset tekstu
In this section, you can specify if text in a text column
should use the whole available text frame's area or if an area on top,
bottom, left and/or right should stay empty. A text offset is
recommended e.g. when you want to assign a colored outline to a text
frame when the outline would overlap text placed directly at the frame
- Dzielenie wyrazów
iCalamus offers an automatic hyphenation which can be adjusted
here. Choose 'never' if you want to switch hyphenation off, or move
the slider towards 'often' if you want to increase the number of
hyphens used in a text frame.
- Język
Select the language which should be assigned to this text frame
generally. Basically text frames get the language of your iCalamus
launch. If text frames are linked, the language will always be
assigned to the whole chain of text frames. The language is used for
spell checking and automatic hyphenation of the text.

In order to offer hyphenation dictionaries for automatic hyphenation,
the Wtyczka Hyphenator has to be loaded. This plug-in contains the
free available hyphenation dictionaries which you can exchange for
others that you may prefer. You have to ensure that the dictionaries
have the expected format.
You find the dictionaries this way:
- [Ctrl]-click on iCalamus.app in Finder and select
Show Package Contents
- Navigate in this package content to the directory
- There you find all iCalamus plug-ins.
- Now use
Show Package Contents
for the plug-in
Hyphenator.plugin in Finder.
- Navigate to the directory Contents/Resources/ in this
package content.
- There you find all hyphenation dictionaries which use the names
hyph_xx_XX.dic. xx_XX stands for an ISO country
notation, like e.g. en_CA stands for English (Canada).
Końcówkę: In the Text Ruler inspector, you can also assign
a language for single paragraphs. The language definition in a text
ruler overwrites the language definition of the Content inspector for
the relevant paragraph.
- Zawijanie tekstu
In the Text Wrap inspector, you can define for each embedded
frame, how the text should wrap around that frame. When you check this
switch for a selected text frame, the text in this text frame no
longer wraps around the embedded frames.
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Ostatnie zmiany 13. czerwiec 2015