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  iCalamus > Reference > Menus > iCalamus menu Indeks

Sprawdź aktualizacje

[Ten rozdział nie został jeszcze przetłumaczony.]

Using this menu item, you can check for updates on iCalamus or iCalamus plug-ins at any time. In general, you will see the following report which states that your iCalamus is the current version:

Końcówkę: In the iCalamus Preferences, you can define that iCalamus should check for updates automatically at each program launch.

If iCalamus recognizes a newer version, it opens the iCalamus browser window and shows the iCalamus download page to you.

Click on 'Get It Now' in order to open your preferred internet browser in order to be able and download the update there.

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Ostatnie zmiany 13. czerwiec 2015

GłównaiCalamus menuPreferencjeWyślij wiadomość