Franklin Gothic Collection (URW)++

Professional Font Collections by URW++ For Your Mac.

Franklin Gothic Collection (URW)++

The CD contains a unique collection of 21 typefaces from the URW Franklin Gothic family, each with complete Latin character sets for Western and Eastern Europe; 14 of these also with Greek and Cyrillic character sets.

In addition, we deliver OpenType Format (OTF Standard Level) for the complete set (West/East Layout) and also 14 fonts complete with West, East, Cyrillic and Greek layouts (OTF Plus Level).

Please read the Fonts List of all font faces which ship with this CD (PDF).

For all URW++ font collections offered here, the URW++ license agreement is valid as shown here in PDF format.

Commander dès à présent :
Calculatrice de change
Franklin Gothic Collection (URW)++
unique offering of 21 styles from the Franklin Gothic typeface family
399,00 EUR
HT 332,50 EUR

Frais d'envoi
Frais d´envoi internationnaux
11,90 EUR
HT 9,92 EUR

Les prix indiqués s'entendent TVA Française à 20% incluse. Si vous êtes résident dans l'Union Européenne et si vous disposez d'un Numéro d'identification Intracomunautaire (NIC), veuillez l'indiquer dans le bon de commande ci-dessous. La TVA ne sera alors pas appliquée.

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