Futura Collection (URW)++

Professional Font Collections by URW++ For Your Mac.

Futura Collection (URW)++

Unparalled diversity and character comprehensiveness

URW’s Futura Collection on hybrid CD contains a unique offering of 38 styles from the Futura typeface family.

All typefaces are supplied in complete Latin character set for Western and Eastern Europe, including Baltic, Romanian and Turkish. 17 of the 38 Futura fonts also come with Greek and Cyrillic glyph sets.

PostScript Type 1 and TrueType for Mac

For Mac OS 9 and earlier

All 38 typefaces in the URW Futura Collection are delivered in PostScript Type 1 and TrueType format for Macintosh, a separate font for each character set (West, East, Romanian, Turkish). Additionally, the collection contains 17 Greek and Cyrillic fonts, respectively, in both formats.

OpenType Format (OTF) and TrueType Format (TTF) / All glyphs in one font

For OS X and Windows

The fonts are structured as follows:

Please read the Fonts List of all font faces which ship with this CD (PDF).

For all URW++ font collections offered here, the URW++ license agreement is valid as shown here in PDF format.

Futura Collection (URW)++
unique offering of 38 styles from the Futura typeface family
399,00 EUR
net 327,05 EUR

Costi di Spedizione
Costi di spedizione dalla Germania
11,90 EUR
net 9,75 EUR

Tutti i prezzi citati includono il 22% di IVA attualmente in vigore in Italia. Se ordinate nell'U.E., inserite il vostro Codice Fiscale nel modulo d'ordine più sotto. Forse non dovremmo inserire l'importo dell'IVA.

Preferisco la seguente lingua (se possibile):

Voci in grassetto sono obbligatorie.

(You never received a six digit software user number from us before? Then simply enter 999999.)

(solo per ordini U.E.)

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