Nimbus Sans Europa 3 Light package (URW)++

Professional Font Collections by URW++ For Your Mac.

Nimbus Sans Europa 3 Light package (URW)++

Do you already write European?

Europe has grown together. There are now 27 countries with a total of 500 million people in the EU, but only a few computer fonts, they have many characters that are required for the Slavic and Baltic languages.

URW has always had an excellent range of typefaces with complete character sets for Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Greek and Cyrillic. With the absolute latest we now offer full Nimbus Sans in European character sets. All European languages, including Greek, Baltic and supported, and reviewing candidate after their individual typography, and also added all the characters required for Maltese (!). We've even included potential future Member countries: Romanian and Cyrillic character sets also follows with. Just in time for the EU's expansion, we are now proud to present this rare and – above all – unusually beautiful options: URW classic Nimbus Sans as an inclusive European Font Pack!

You receive all essential codepage layouts for the first time together on one Collection: West, Cyrillic, Central European (all Eastern European languages including the necessary additions Baltic for PC and/or Romanian for Mac), Greek and Turkish!

The fonts support the following languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, Danish, German, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Maltese, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Belarus.

All packages within Nimbus Sans Europa are available

Nimbus Sans Europe is available in the following key code pages: Western, Central European, Greek, Turkish, and, of course, also Cyrillic.

Please read the Fonts List of all font faces which ship with this CD (PDF).

For all URW++ font collections offered here, the URW++ license agreement is valid as shown here in PDF format.

Nimbus Sans Europa 3 Light package (URW)++
Contains the four weights Light, Light Italic, Light Condensed, and Light Condensed Italic.
399,00 EUR
net 327,05 EUR

URW Font Bundles
Nimbus Sans Europa 3 + 4 (URW)++
Light & Black package together at an even better price
was 798,00 EUR
now 599,00 EUR
net 490,98 EUR

Costi di Spedizione
Costi di spedizione dalla Germania
11,90 EUR
net 9,75 EUR

Tutti i prezzi citati includono il 22% di IVA attualmente in vigore in Italia. Se ordinate nell'U.E., inserite il vostro Codice Fiscale nel modulo d'ordine più sotto. Forse non dovremmo inserire l'importo dell'IVA.

Preferisco la seguente lingua (se possibile):

Voci in grassetto sono obbligatorie.

(You never received a six digit software user number from us before? Then simply enter 999999.)

(solo per ordini U.E.)

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