12.04.2006: iCalamus can be ordered!

(Italiani informazioni non trovati.)

Now we take off!

As of today you can pre-order iCalamus 1.0 in our website. We will start the beta test period soon. If you purchase right now and subscribe for beta tests, you will have the chance and get your place in the iCalamus info dialog (section: Hall Of Fame).

What have you been waiting for, guys?

The iCalamus development project has had a very big delay which cannot be denied. From time to time we had to push some rocks out of the way which were placed there by the basically very powerful Mac OS X. The iCalamus developers had to give up the original plan of getting all functions from Mac OS X. Too much stuff had to be re-written as Cocoa did offer just the half of it. Mac OS X is fine but (still) no perfect operating system for Desktop Publishing applications. But who would have believed in it...

How to become iCalamus betatester?

No big deal. You simply have to purchase iCalamus in our website and check the betatester option in our order form. We will send you a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) afterwards and please you to sign and send it back. You will then get access to the first public beta version soon.

What's required for iCalamus?

Your computer has to run Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and should use a screen not too small at all. Much RAM and hard drive space are welcome. Please mention if you already own one of these new Intel Macs already, when you send your iCalamus order.

Try the iCalamus beta now!

(Se trovate qualche Italianish o altre strane traduzioni in questa pagina, non esitate a – Grazie!)

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